September 18

The Speed of Your Big Why

You don´t need more contacts, new business cards, a new website, more networking events, write a book…. NO, NO, NO! You don´t need PPC, SEO, the newest widget… NO, NO, NO! You don´t need an elevator pitch, a niche, social media… NO, NO, NO! You don´t need more stuff!

All that keeps you away from the real stuff. All that provides you busy-ness. If what you’re looking for is true, honest, powerful impact… If what you are looking for is to touch the lives of many people… If what you are looking for is to follow your BIG mission… If what you are looking for is to transform society, the economy or something equally big, all the above stuff is useless.

You need proper leverage. You need true speed. You need a postmodern strategy. You need something beyond the modern. You need something eternal. You need to take very serious the most valuable resource you have: your inner wisdom, your inner knowing.

Take a decision TODAY! You will listen to the quiet voice telling you what to do. You need to decide to listen to your very own wisdom. Your inner wisdom is telling you what you should be doing. Your wisdom will give you clear and specific commands that will catapult you to places you didn’t imagine.

As the BIG why’s and the how’s will be given to you. The big Why’s are fundamental for your business. When you know what’s your soul calling, your business strategy is easy. Don’t worry to get it all precise the first time. Your inner wisdom will correct you as you keep walking.

One of my customers was working on understanding what was the specific pain of her target market. Her inner knowing told her: Watch TV. She did. There she found the answer. She found a program where they were discussing the specific challenges of her target market. Then her Inner Knowing told her: Call them. She did. Now she is working on this amazing project that is changing the face of her city. Needless to say, automatically she is welcoming more ideal customers to her. Without struggle!

Another customer did an amazing job in connecting with her soul purpose, her ideal customer, the specific transformation that she brings to the world and more strategic questions. She was ready to welcome customers. Her Inner Knowing said: No. Go on holiday, rest and enjoy. She did. In the time she was away on holiday she was contacted by five perfect customers. She had a conversation with each one of them, was able to name her new price (many many times her old price!). One of them (actually the one with the worst financial situation) paid her new price. Now she is receiving invitations to conferences on her subject that will put her in the position of attracting even more perfect customers. Without struggle!

When I connected with my own purpose, before I changed a word in my website, I was called out of the blue by my very first perfect customer. The only action from me was to actually listen. To listen is also a verb. So, I kicked off my lifework, without struggle!

Your Inner Knowing is connected directly to the field. You don’t even need to know all the dimensions that are involved. You don’t need gurus to explain to you anything. You don’t need intermediaries. You need to make the conscious decision to be silent and listen. When the command is clear, authoritative and loving, that’s your inner knowing. Follow her voice. She knows what is the most harmonious path for YOU. Ask. Listen. AND most importantly ACT! Without action, the universal wisdom cannot transform our reality. ACT! ACT! ACT!


habits, inner knowing, life purpose, productivity, spirituality, transcendence

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