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Blanca Vergara's Bio

After a successful career as a high tech executive, Blanca Vergara founded Your Looking Glass, where she passionately coaches female founders and executives to reclaim their Divine Feminine identity and reconcile with the masculine energy, to effortlessly receive ALL they crave and deserve.

Recipient of several awards, author of multiple books and in demand speaker, Blanca has inspired thousands of people on stages all over the world for clients including ABN AMRO, Johnson & Johnson and the European Commission.

Her upbringing was a mix of Toltec spiritual teachings and modern science. A near death experience opened up her intuitive gifts. Having healed childhood traumas caused by mental illness, sexual abuse and narcissism, she is now helping women heal themselves.

She holds two master’s degrees (An MBA and a MSc. in Information Systems), as well as a Coaching Certification.

You can find her online at blancavergara.com, writing her forthcoming book, or cycling the streets of Amsterdam with her husband, her son, and her daughter.

Blanca Vergara's Bio

After a successful career as a high tech executive, Blanca Vergara founded Your Looking Glass, where she passionately coaches female founders and executives to reclaim their Divine Feminine identity and reconcile with the masculine energy, to effortlessly receive ALL they crave and deserve.

Recipient of several awards, author of multiple books and in demand speaker, Blanca has inspired thousands of people on stages all over the world for clients including ABN AMRO, Johnson & Johnson and the European Commission.

Her upbringing was a mix of Toltec spiritual teachings and modern science. A near death experience opened up her intuitive gifts. Having healed childhood traumas caused by mental illness, sexual abuse and narcissism, she is now helping women heal themselves.

She holds two master’s degrees (An MBA and a MSc. in Information Systems), as well as a Coaching Certification.

You can find her online at blancavergara.com, writing her forthcoming book, or cycling the streets of Amsterdam with her husband, her son, and her daughter.

Spoken at and worked with executives from 

Blanca Here are just a few of the topic Blanca can discuss on stage and in the media

Reclaim the Divine Feminine

A transformative journey for powerful women

As women navigate male-dominated professional landscapes, there can be a tendency to suppress or deny their feminine strengths. In this transformative session, Blanca Vergara reveals how reclaiming and reconciling the masculine and feminine energies within can cultivate a powerful, integrated leadership style.

Flowing in the Ripple Effect

Devotional Rituals for Feminine Leadership

To truly embody this transformative energy and become the change-makers our world needs, we must cultivate consistent devotional practices that nourish the body, mind, and spirit. Leave this session feeling rejuvenated, empowered, and ready to make your mark as a change-maker guided by the Divine Feminine.

From Burnout to Boundless Vitality

Embodying the Heart Centered Economy

Many high-achieving women find themselves exhausted and unfulfilled, despite their professional successes. In this talk, Blanca Vergara shares her personal journey of overcoming burnout and reconnecting with her divine feminine essence. Participants will leave inspired to cultivate a thriving, balanced life that honors both their ambitions and their deepest desires.

Healing the Witch Wound

Dare to be seen, heard and lead in a fully feminine way

The Witch wound shows up as the fear of being seen, heard and lead. "They" may chop your head. At the end of this session, participants will feel empowered to unapologetically share their voices, embody their feminine wisdom, and make a profound impact on the world.

Selected Podcast Appearances, Speaking Engagements, and Media Appearances

Blanca Vergara has been featured in

Podcast Appearances

Media features

Selected Speaking Engagements

Blanca Vergara has spoken at

  • Salary Negotiation Workshop, Women Business Network
  • 10X Your Productivity, Shell
  • Dare to Be the CEO of You, Women Economic Forum
  • Master the Art of Love and Career, Rotterdam School of Management
  • 4 hours mompreneur, Connecting Women
  • Women work wonders, Progress Software
  • The Dual Career Couple, TU Delft
  • Play Real Big, Astellas Pharma
  • The Dual Career Couple, European Commission
  • Dare to Be the CEO of You, Nuffic - Neso

Approved photos for publicity use

You are welcome to use these photos. Please send us a link at wecare@blancavergara.com to let us know where they're being featured

Photos taken by Karina Kaminska

Interested in Interviewing Blanca?
or having her speak at your event?

email us at wecare@blancavergara.com

Blanca has contributed to the range of services the Career&Counseling Services of the TU Delft offers her students and PhD's, not only with original content, but with almost limitless passion. She delivers her workshops and presentations from personal experience, having worked in the corporate field, being an international in the Netherlands, with a drive to educate, not only for a program, but for life. Her workshops are highly appreciated by our students and PhDs, and also for our team, meetings with her are very inspiring, testing our values and driving us to thinking new ways.

Caroline Scheepmaker, Head of Career & Counseling Services at TU Delft

"Blanca Vergara deeply engaged the audience with her highly inspirational talk and her capacity of quickly grasping feelings and humors. Blanca presented her story during International Women’s day celebration at J&J. She highlighted how we push ourselves on things that we are not passionate about leaving behind our true desires. Blanca provided a number of techniques to identify and overcome the barriers we put ourselves to not achieve our dreams. Blanca stressed how important it is to have vertical goals, have the courage to make decisions and take massive self-care. The audience left not only inspired but with an action plan!"

Marina Yrazusta, Chairwoman of Force, Johnson & Johnson

"I recently had a workshop with Blanca. There had been some turbulence in the team. She did not eschew addressing the elephant in the room, asked the right questions, addressing what had happened but even more importantly, how to proceed from here. She managed to turn it around into something positive.
And this really is the core of her approach. Don't start from a problem that needs to be fixed, but start from what binds you together and make that even stronger. A very powerful approach."

Eva Smets, Roche

"Blanca Vergara was invited  to give a conferment for The International Woman' s Day I have to say that she made our event great!!!  

The audience appreciated  the subject and  in particular her sense of communication, professionalism, sense of  humor and  warm attitude. Blanca  gave us the opportunity to be part of this event thanks to her  interactive approach. We strongly recommend her services. 

Maria Glowacz de Chevilly. European Commission, Brussels


"Making the Dual Career Couple Thrive"

Important topic which should not get postponed. There is no perfect way but this workshop shows you how to ask the right questions.

MBA Student - Rotterdam School of Management MBA

"Making the Dual Career Couple Thrive"

I really liked the workhop since Blanca talked about long distance relationships, and now I am having one. The framework she presented is for me very interesting and for sure I will have a conversation with my partner about it.

Also the 5 killing approaches were funny and very interesting. It made me realize the things I have been doing in my relationship and for sure I am going to work to improve those aspects. I truly recommend this workshop!

Roxana Rivera - Rotterdam School of Management MBA

Me gustaría que Blanca diera más cursos, porque en realidad ayuda a esa parte de nuestra vida que necesita ser llenada, me refiero a la parte emocional. Todas las técnicas vistas en su taller son importantes para yudarnos a ser felices en nuestra vida diaria. No siempre podermos controlar el entorno, pero me gusta esa idea de surfear las olas. De ahora en adelante recordaré las técnicas y lo que los demás esperan de mí, y al mismo tiempo recordaré que no siempre tiene que importarne. Realmente disfruté el taller, vale completamente la pena.

Isis Zazueta - Ingeníero Civil, Holanda

The seminar by Blanca was a real eye opener and helped me understand the root of several problems in my relationships. It also gave me tools to analyze better conflicts scenarios and how to solve them. I totally recommend it.

Daniel Kuratomi - Biomedial Engineer

"Making the Dual Career Couple Thrive"

I have participated in two of Blanca's workshops. I am always happy to be in her workshops, she makes you see things from different perspectives and tries to let you find the goodness in everything you are doing. Most importantly, she helps you to learn the right tool to find the way to be able to be always happy and grateful with what you have. I would recommend to participate at least one of her workshops, for sure you will have a joyfull day. Thanks for the book and the planner!

Jessica Alecci - TU Delft student

She can help us to find our passion and to use it to make profit and make our life rich, light, full of energy, vitality, dynamism, humor and to take action !

Blanca is such a heart centered woman; so she can help us to find our passion and to use it to make profit and make our life rich, light, full of energy, vitality, dynamism, humor and to take action !

Thanks Blanca to boost me to go to London and for your support.

Micheline Tanguy - Stylist, Paris/London

"Making the Dual Career Couple Thrive"

The presentation was very insightful. It gave a clear head up of what to expect in the near future and how to deal with it.

MBA student - Rotterdam School of Management MBA

"Making the Dual Career Couple Thrive"

I am very hapy to have had this workshop with Blanca Vergara. She made me reflect about the power we have to make our lives easier and remember that we are regular people and it is fine to not be perfect.

Felipe Coronado - Rotterdam School of Management MBA

Great workshop!

Interesting and insightful new ways to (re)consider your money mindset and take action to step into your (feminine) power.

Tessa van Keeken - Inner Leadership Mentor

A very enjoyable day, I did not feel it passing. Useful to see yourself from other points of view, but also to understand what your strength may be. I recommend it to anyone, not only highly educated people.

Chiara Merola - Delft, The Netherlands

You literally inspired me and tapped something inside me. Your workshop was enriching for the heart, the mind and the body. Your energy is radiating and I lived the positive vibe. I salute you for the courage and confidence to dream of a better you and contribute to a better world and I can only be inspired to reflect at myself and aim for a better me!

Farah Abi Morshed - Corporate Banker, Amsterdam

"Making the Dual Career Couple Thrive"

I think Blanca's session on 'home and career' was really interesting. I came to know about the problems that a modern woman or man faces in this brutal, competitive world. This era is far more unforgiving then the past era and our parents where although they had challenges at the same time they had fixed roles to play. Now, times are changing.

The session was insightful and it helped unveil these hidden facts. The framework given by Blanca can definitely help people like us to have a balanced and happy life.

Dinja - Rotterdam School of Management MBA

Blanca is an excellent presenter. She's enthusiastic about everything, I mean everything. She has good and bad experiences which make the suggestions complete and with a solid background. She's extremely engaging. This workshop is extremely useful for young students, nowadays a lot of students travel and naturally they are or end up in couples. And they have to deal with it. Blanca did not give answers, but tools for tackling the shared life and the decision making.

Dwisetya Safirna Widyaratih - Biomedial Engineer

"Making the Dual Career Couple Thrive"

I found the workshop really useful and got some great tips that I think are useful for everyone, not just couples. Thank you Blanca.

Ana Cipriano - Aerospace Master Student at TU Delft

"Making the Dual Career Couple Thrive"

It was an interesting session where Blanca touched upon some important aspects when it comes to couples working in high profile jobs and at the same time grappling with some very important decisions and tasks that both can take resposibility for.

In this day and age, where each partner is expected to deliver his/her best both at their workplace as at their homes, it can be a challenge. Blanca beautifully tackled these and many more issues that are very relevant for young professionals like us.

Shivani Shetty - Rotterdam School of Management MBA

"Making the Dual Career Couple Thrive"

Blanca's lecture is very interactive and informative. Bringing in a lot of resources to think about. She made me aware of things behind and strategy to take actions. Very helpful! Highly recommended!!!

Ming Li - PhD reseacher at TU Delft

Thank you for the insightful workshop - Master Your Money Mindset. I loved your examples and tips to get over money blockages that we all inherited and carry within us.

Britta van Arman - Living Chi

I went to the "Dual Career Couple" workshop, not quite knowing what to expect. I left with a much clearer picture on communication, decision making and emotions, as well as a useful framework analyzing it further.

Max van der Zalm - Naval Architect, Delft, The Netherlands

I luckily met Blanca in a workshop organized at the university. She was super energetic and super positive. I am really impressed and inspired by her stories and her perspective of life. I would definitely recommend young professionals to get in touch with Blanca and get enlighten. It will be a unique experience in which they can discover the desires and passion they carry that they were not aware of before. Dear Blanca, thank you for this wonderful workshop once again and please keep touching our lives with your awesome passion about life.

Duygu Kaynak - Industrial engineer, Delft, the Netherlands

"Making the Dual Career Couple Thrive"

I have learnt a lot from Blanca's course. It is not only about the concepts, the methods and the contents but also the course makes me be aware of the things in my life and makes me reflect and try to reorganize them in a better way that fits me and my partner. Also, I like Blanca's personality and her passion about her life and career. I appreciate that!

Xin Li - PhD Student at TU Delft

f you are an entrepreneur looking for a breakthrough in your success... or if you are an employee wondering what your future holds... this program is for you!

Blanca Vergara presented a webinar for The Ultimate Life Company. Her presentation was powerful and, I believe, life-altering. She is fun and related well with our members. If you are an entrepreneur looking for a breakthrough in your success... or if you are an employee wondering what your future holds... this program is for you!

As a speaker, she is easy to work with - she sent all of the materials we needed in a timely fashion. During her program, she complimented our company and incorporated our company mission into her presentation.

I look forward to having her speak for The Ultimate Life Company again.

Linda Baumgarten - Ulimate Life Company, New York

"Making the Dual Career Couple Thrive"

Blanca's lecture was very inspirational and the frameworks could help my relationship to develop further and create a stronger grownding.

Daniela de los Rios Flury - Rotterdam School of Management MBA

"Making the Dual Career Couple Thrive"

I found it very useful, the idea that we have to be in peace with ourselves and our own decisions first in order to be in peace and harmony with our partner of life.

MBA student - Rotterdam School of Management MBA

"Making the Dual Career Couple Thrive"

I think the workshop was very insightful, something very different from what we have come across during the MBA. It is something we don't think about too much as an important part of our lifes but it actually is a very big part. The workshop was very interesting, we talked about gender stereotypes which existed in the past, some of which exist even today.

Blanca de speaker, was very energetic and shared with us her experiences in her personal and professional life and she also gave us some ideas for how we can manage better our personal and professional lifes. Overall an enjoyable workshop!

Shyam Sreenivasan - MBA student

Blanca gave an insightful and inspiring workshop to my clients on “Making the Dual Career Couple thrive” She has an authentic and powerful way of connecting with her audience. She knows how to understand the pain points and offer practical insights and solutions. I would highly recommend Blanca for group workshops, mentoring sessions and speaking events.

Tamkara Adun - Career and Development Advisor, Shell

It has been an absolute privilege to meet Blanca and learn from her knowledge and experiences. I can recommend Blanca for anyone who wants to reconnect to their dreams, pursue them and to be successful in that. She provides you with the tools how to be a better you. Because: dreaming is good, doing is better!

Rianne Duindam - Architect, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

"Making the Dual Career Couple Thrive"

An enjoyable seminar that brought my attention to the importance of being real to myself and to prioritise decisions in my life. It also reminded me of the importance of living in the moment and letting go when things do not go as planned.

Thank you Blanca! Sharing your experience made the seminar more personal and relatable.

Hala Abu-Jaber - Rotterdam School of Management MBA

"Making the Dual Career Couple Thrive"

Many of these things we know bt never stop to think about them. The most valuable thing from today was the DCC framework, specially the part of setting ground.

Also some of the questions asked dureing the session grabbed my attention as no one answered which means we all know we have something wrong.

MBA student - Rotterdam School of Management MBA

"Making the Dual Career Couple Thrive"

I thought that this was a great session with wome insights into relationships. Personally I would love to go deeper into some of the topics discussed in this session, especially collective decision making. Thank you!

Kartik Joshi - Rotterdam School of Management MBA

"Making the Dual Career Couple Thrive"

Thank you so much for your great talk! After MBA, we all re-enter to the job market again. It is nice to bring those topics back in to reality. Especially in this rapid world, the relationships between couples are also changing. You brought and gave us many insights, I believe those insights are definitely useful in the future. Even when you have a busy schedule it is important to maintain the relationship with your partner. Growing and connecting, I hope I keep this all in mind in the future. Thanks!

Mimi - Rotterdam School of Management MBA

Blanca has contributed to the range of services the Career&Counselling Services of the TU Delft offers her students and PhDs, not only with original content, but with almost limitless passion. She delivers her workshops and presentations from personal experience, having worked in the corporate field, being an international in the Netherlands, with a drive to educate, not only for a program, but for life. Her workshops are highly appreciated by our students and PhDs, and also for our team, meetings with her are very inspiring, testing our values and driving us to thinking new ways.

Caroline Scheepmaker - Head of Career & Counselling Services at TU Delft

Design Engineer

I had a hard time waking myself up on this freezing and early saturday morning, but after only the first hour I knew it was totally worth it and I felt (and still feel) happy that I attended to this one of a kind extremely useful training in self-success.

Govert Blom - Design Engineer

Thank you for an eye opening workshop!

We hear a lot of these buzzwords: "limiting", "money mindset", etc. and this really puts it into context. Thank you


Klarrisa Frank - Coach and Learning Consultant

Life changing!

In life, you meet many people but only very few have the power to change your life.

Blanca has this power, and this is maybe because she does what she likes to do in life, and she does it very well. Only in one hour, I saw her touching the heart of more than one person, all with different backgrounds, nationalities, and ages.

Whether you work for a company or have your own business, there is a lot you can learn from Blanca.

She is such an inspirational and intelligent woman, that I consider myself lucky that she crossed into my life.

Carina Bravo Plancarte - Recruitment manager, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

"Making the Dual Career Couple Thrive"

The workshop was very interesting and interactive. It contains a lot of useful and meaningful information that can help improve my relationship with my partner.

Moreover Blanca has a lot of excercises also, which can be done individually or together. These excercises help improve the dynamic in my relationship and helps me maintain a good balance work and life.

MBA Student - Rotterdam School of Management MBA

"Making the Dual Career Couple Thrive"

This course helped me to think about my personal life and love life without templates. There is no fixed way to do things right. It is just your way of doing things. Thanks Blanca!

MBA Student - Rotterdam School of Management MBA

Blanca is empathetic and motivating, willing to help parents in a sincere and open way. Her sessions are fun and full of positive messages, which make you see matters in a different way, stepping back and feeling better.

Ana Paulina Sánchez - HR, The Hague, The Netherlands

"Making the Dual Career Couple Thrive"

"Do what you like to do, not waht other expects you to do"- this is a good message. I would have liked to listen to more of this.

"Life is not a contract, and love is not a contract either" - more emotions, lesse rational and pragmatism.

Have fun! Nobody said you hae to be serious to be successful.

Thank you Blanca!

MBA student - Rotterdam School of Management MBA

Last Saturday I had the privilege to attend your live workshop "Your Best Year". Through a combination of guided self reflection exercises, exchange with the other participants and meditation, you have led us with your usual positive attitude to a pragmatic actionable plan getting us to our best personal year 2018. The power of your structured guidance through the reflection on 2017, the holistic visualization of 2018 and the actions to get there had a huge impact on me during the workshop and still lasts. Thank you for being an source of inspiration! Best wishes for 2018!

Laurence Anjoras - Ann-Eva

"Making the Dual Career Couple Thrive"

Blanca thank you so much for this insightful and interactive lecture. It's very inspiring to know how you transform your career and find ways to manage your personal and business life.

From a female business person's standpoint, having good time-management skills is important to have the best outcome out of efforts. Pleas continue to be a good influencer and mentor!

Yoko Fujimoto - Rotterdam School of Management MBA

Blanca is very engaging in her speech. all the different stories made me reconsider some priorities and personal attitudes. It's really about learning a lot in theory, but also with other people's experiences in a few hours, which makes it very efficient.

Felipe Fischmann - Water Resources Engineer, Delft, The Netherlands

"Making the Dual Career Couple Thrive"

Before entering the room I did not know what to expect, however, as the workshop developed I realized that I was in the right place.

Balancing couple life with professional life can be very difficult and I was honestly afraid. However after this workshop I feel that I have the tools to make the best decision for me. Very entertaining workshop with very useful information and advice.

MBA Student - Rotterdam School of Management MBA

"Making the Dual Career Couple Thrive"

Blanca's session dealt with some parts of an issue most professionals face at some time, balancing work life and love life. She did well to convey the important points within the short spam of 2 hours. Her ability to break the ice with the audience through storytelling and interactive activities is remarkable. Het analysis of 5 things every couple should 'not do' was hilarious and accurate at the same time. This was a very light-hearted session that invoked deep and insightful thoughts. I really enjoyed it and I see a lot of value in such a session.

Rohit - Rotterdam School of Management MBA

I am truly thankful to have come across Blanca, who has a wonderful way to pull things into clarity and guide you through your own process of understanding. Her session was insightful, warm, fun and touch the right note in a serious yet light way. I would recommend anyone who's looking for a creative way to open up and lighten up to contact Blanca, now, no, yesterday!

Mariana (Max) Besana - Maracuya, Utrecht, Netherlands

"Making the Dual Career Couple Thrive"

It was interesting to compare the previous perspective of a family vs the families today. I was not aware that a lot a pressure has been put on both roles and that is the reason for people being so exhausted. Thank you for your presentation!

MBA student - Rotterdam School of Management MBA

Great insights into why women are afraid and hesitant to negotiate fora raise. I definitely realized i could do a better job here too!

Vera ten Hacken - Program Manager Fedex

I had the pleasure of working with Blanca in November 2016. I invited her to speak at the Shell Outpost Fair and to give a half-day workshop for Shell employees and their partners on her ‘Dual Career Couple’ Program. The preparation of the events and cooperation with Blanca was really rewarding. She was very positive, motivated and open for feedback. I appreciated her warm, authentic and personal style. Thanks, Blanca, for your support and inspiration!

Kristina Walther - Career and Development Advisor at Shell Outpost, The Hague, The Netherlands

"Making the Dual Career Couple Thrive"

I think the biggest learning is abvious but often overlooked! You are responsible for your happiness. One of the best things women need to know in this day and age is...being successful in not turning into guys. We need that femenine energy in the workplace. We do not need women pretending to be men, we need women to be women because that is an amazing power.

Topics are very relevant, Blanca addresses the big pink elephant in the room. The thing everyone thinks about but never dare to talk about.

MBA student - Rotterdam School of Management MBA

"Making the Dual Career Couple Thrive"

Good workshop! I came with a lot of doubts and not fully optimistic, yet I do feel I have received a couple of nice frameworks and tools useful to have a more balanced life between work and relationships. Thank you.

Juan Carlos Romero - Rotterdam School of Management MBA

"Making the Dual Career Couple Thrive"

In this fast and dynamic world, it is very easy for us (as an ambitious) individual to lose sense of what is really important to us. This is why I chose to attend the workshop by Blanca on 'Master the Art of Love and Career'. It made me think about the challenges we face managing our personal and professional lives, how do we perceive them, how to manage them. Blanca managed to provide a very simple framework for us to follow when we are going about making these important decisions, managing our profesional and personal life (with our partner) and thus help lead a meaningful life.

Guru Vignesh - Rotterdam School of Management MBA

Blanca is a cheerful, but really professional person. She is truly interested in words spoken during the workshop and you can feel her true passion for her work. I enjoyed my time here, learned a log and would recommend it to everyone - in a relationship or not.

Kamila Waszkowiak - Engineer, Delft, The Netherlands

Blanca truly is one of those light-bringing people who lead us to the new world we all dream of, inspiring and in the meantime giving us the courage to do the same !!

To experience the deep ageless spiritual wisdom of the Aztecs, being brought together in a warm, sparkling, inspiring, strong and also very successful businesswoman is a present I wish everyone who wants to live and work from his heart should grant him or herself. Blanca truly is one of those light-bringing people who lead us to the new world we all dream of, inspiring and in the meantime giving us the courage to do the same !!

Titia Hennemann - Illuminosa, Amsterdam

She has the knowledge, the capacity and the communication skills to engage people and help them, giving them tools to navigate this complex and volatile world we live in. Professionals who are not willing to give up happiness because of career choices or simply people who want to become more aware of couple dynamics, communication dynamics and personal growth will most certainly benefit from her workshop. Really Recommended! [And she is also funny!]

Francesca Klack - Industrial Ecologist

What strikes me the most was her natural way of presentation. The women standing there is really Blanca. Blanca was not telling us about just another (role) model, theory or technique. No, her message is based on personal experience, common sense and life itself. It is coming from her inside, her hart. This makes is so strong. Because of that she really knows how to touch people and get people into action. She is different and she knows how to make a difference.

Harma Hingstman - Changing Realities

"Making the Dual Career Couple Thrive"

I appreciated your course very much. I learned very important lessons about not making promisses you may not be able to keep, about living in the present moment and abot listening to other people. Thank you.

Gonçalo Aguiar - MSc Student

"Making the Dual Career Couple Thrive"

I really enjoyed this course given by Blanca Vergara. Blanca is an enthousiastic speaker who shares her passion on the topic with the participants in an amazingly motivating way. The course gave insights on the various challenges and threats that are araising to dual career couples. She does not offer only thoughts and ideas to solve those but also proposes actual tools you (and your partner) can work with.

Mirja de Vries - Ph.D. Student TU Delft

Blanca Vergara was invited to give a conferment for The International Woman' s Day I have to say that She made our event great!!! The audience appreciated the subject and in particular her sense of communication, professionalism, sense of humor and warm attitude. Blanca gave us the opportunity to be part of this event thanks to her interactive approach. We strongly recommend her services.

Maria Glowacz de Chevilly - European Commission, Brussels

Blanca gave an exceptional training at TU Delft to help students on their career decisions. It was an exceptional training day that enlightened me on what matters in my life, which was fundamental on my choice. I fully recommend her work for people that, like me, need inspiration for the future and guidance on their choices. Blanca is an inspiring talker, her life experience is a lesson by itself. I can only thank I had had the opportunity to have this training.

Eduardo Olimpo - Physicist, Delft, the Netherlands

Don’t let her pass by without catching it.

The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that LITTLE extra. That is Blanca , a woman with an extraordinary talent and aptitude to speak to others. It’s nothing enormous about her, just a little twist making a full modification. She’s not just another inspirational speaker and coach, it’s that extra that makes her reach into your heart giving you the strength to move the next mountain.

Blanca has a self-confident attitude that can be contagious. Don’t let her pass by without catching it.

Laverne Hunt - Speaker, Amsterdam

Thank you, Blanca for this workshop, Master Your Money Mindset. In an hour time you made me realize hos emotional is my relationship with money. Now I have finally identified something I can work on to improve my financial position. I want to have fun with money and detach from all those negative emotions.

Béatrice Blondiau - IT Consultant

You and your story, the combinations, are incredibly inspiring and life changing. Thank you!

Janice Langeslag - Mechanical/Control Engineer, Delft, the Netherlands

Blanca is an excellent presenter. She's enthusiastic about everything, everything. She has good and bad experiences, which make the suggestion complete and with a solid background. She's extremely engaging. This workshop is extremely useful for young students, nowadays a lot of students travel. And naturally, they are or end up in couples. And they have to deal with it. Blanca did not give answers, but tools for tackling life and the decision making.

Enrico Liscio - Automation Engineer

I went to the workshop "Make the Dual Career Couple Thrive"given by Blanca Vergara, during last few months before graduating from MSc.

I learned a lot of things about managing my life and myself when I am alone or with a partner. Blanca covers a lot of topics and makes you think about the way you life and what makes you happy.

I think this workshop will be useful to those who are lost and do want to be found, to those who stand at the crossing of roads, not knowing where to go and what kind of decision to make.

Overall, I think this will be useful to everyone, since it makes you think and evaluate your life and decisions.

Elena Tonyuk - Maritime engineer, Delft, the Netherlands

It’s a pleasure to recommend Blanca Vergara. I know Blanca through the MBA course I followed at the Rotterdam Business School where she lectured at the time. Blanca took a genuine interest in my personal development and business goals; helped by her relentless enthusiasm and broad knowledge base, she managed to challenge, inspire and engage me to actually go after those goals. I am truly grateful to her for what we accomplished during those coaching sessions.

René Vieveen - Executive VicePresident, Votrax

Are you ready to drop the struggle and
unleash your radiance and impact?

But, not sure how?