July 12

It’s Never About Them, It’s Always About You

This happy girl got angry last night. Furious! Yes, your happy Blanca was very upstream. I was putting my attention in a part of reality that I detest: victims. Victims drive me mental. They are the opposite of empowerment. They are negating their Divine nature. They are manipulators... Aggghhh! Anger! Reality showed me very fast and clear, how judgemental I was! Few hours after my anger tantrum, I (yes, I!) behaved like a victim: dis-empowered, not owning my Divine nature, manipulating... I burst in laughter! Negative emotions never, never, never talk about "them" (your husband, the government, your mother, your customers...) They always talk about YOU. So, what are you going to do about this new insight? Love and compassion are the best remedy. Of course the ultimate first step is laughter! Laugh, forgive yourself and learn from this experience. Relevant posts Life is a Daring Adventure or Nothing at All Brilliance is in the shadow The #1 Cause of Dysfunctional Lives and under Performing Businesses Relevant links Photo by jetheriot


fun, habits, spirituality

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