January 8

Happy New Year, elite!


I'm Blanca.
You are meant to have an optimal life, one that's happy, successful, abundant and of great contribution. My mission is to help you achieve that.

Happy New Year, elite!

Those were the opening words of the Major of Amsterdam during the official New Year’s reception of the city of Amsterdam. I was shocked. I am no elite! I don’t belong there. Who am I to be considered elite? What have I done to be considered elite?

I was at the Dutch National Opera surrounded by people I just had seen in the media: ex-prime ministers, current ministers, generals, TV presenters and many more. Their fame and the words of the major made me feel very out of place.

His speech was not the common political one: “do and think what I tell you”. His speech was about staying above the noise and welcome arguments with compassion. I was very happy that the word compassion made it to the lips of a highly ranked politician and to the ears of the “elite”.

After a lovely evening there, my husband and I walked back from the Opera to Central Station. We “coincidently” (there are no coincidences) passed by our pub. This is an old humble brown café, a simple pub. We decided to have a beer there. When we enter, we felt a bit out of place. While everyone was in jeans and t-shirts, we were way too elegant. Mmmmhhh! Where do I belong?

We went home and I kept thinking about this question. Am I some kind of elite?

Why did I end up in that group of people in the Dutch National Opera? Well I was invited by the Major, because I was part of his favorite project this year -180 Amsterdammers. Why? Because I dare to say yes. Oh! Is this the point?

Is this the point of this year? Is this the lesson that I need to learn? Is this the lesson that I need to share with the entire world?

I guess it is.

We are now in a world full of noise, violence and division. There are arguments for and against many subjects. The noise makers are few and are trying to divide us, the many. Look around. Everywhere around the world the few and noisy ones are trying to increase our fear and anger among ourselves. While the large majority of people just want to live in peace.

We need a different set of few. We need a new elite. We need a force of peace, compassion and coherence. There is a higher level where those superficial divisions are irrelevant. We need leaders who allow us to see this. We need leaders who dare to bring oneness in all areas of life. That is where you come in. That is where I want to be.

You might be reading horoscopes of the year ahead, or making resolutions or reading financial predictions. Forget about all those! In the words of my mother: your destiny is not given to you, you have to build it.

Step up! Step up to the leadership plate this year. Step up and bring words of peace, compassion and unity. Don’t allow their noise bury you in fear, anger and division. Take peaceful action: write that book, start that company, volunteer, have those encouraging conversations. You don’t need to go to rallies to protest. You can do your peaceful protest by not buying from that company or even stronger by quitting your unethical employer.

If the news really make you angry or fearful, you have two paths. One is to avoid them completely. Just don’t read the media. If you have been reading lately you must have learned that a lot of it is not true. Why waste your time and emotion on that! The other approach is to read the media and ask yourself: what mighty cause can I take to make this better? Think and feel the answer and most importantly take inspired action.

No matter what you do (if you avoid the media or be inspired by it), it is paramount that you take positive and peaceful action: set up you own heart centered business, take that high impact project at your employers, volunteer for that cause… Fill up your life with the solutions towards those horrors in the media.

The future of humanity is not in “their” hands, it’s in our hands. Be the elite. Be the one we have been waiting for. Be the one you have been waiting for. You are the leader that we now need. Don’t be shocked. Don’t be shy. Don’t think you are too small. You have been preparing for all these years. You are ready. Now it’s your time. Today is your time to start. Step up!


Do you want to do something magnificent with your one and precious life?

Now, I would love to hear from you.

I would love to hear your wisdom.

What is the mighty cause that calls you to be a leader this 2017? What will be your blessed obsession?

Please, share yourwisdom directly in the comments below.

Add as much detail as possible in your reply. Remember, your voice may be of great help to someone else. Your voice might be the one thing that will finally touch the heart of that one person. Please do share your wisdom. 

Share your thoughts and ideas directly in the comments. Links to other posts will be deleted as they come across as spam.

Thank you so much for reading, watching, sharing and sharing your insights.

I'm very grateful for your support! 

Wishing you a very peaceful, powerful and loving 2017, elite!

With love,




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