July 28

Want Success? Don’t Plan!

Last week, I had the most successful business week ever: I sold the largest number of VIP packages ever in my entire business life, I got 3 additional speaking engagements (one will put me on the same stage as Bob Proctor) AND worked only 3 days in the week. How? This is not possible! There's a crisis, don't you know, Blanca? At the beginning of the year I had an intention: This would be the year when I will accept "good enough". I would run a "good enough" business, I would be a "good enough" mother. I would have a "good enough" body. At the same time, I did set specific objectives. I would reach xxx Euros in my bank account, xx number of customers, xxx number of product launches, x number of new products, x speaking engagements... I also added other objectives such as the size of my waist and my weight in kilos. AND added some others that were more intangible: my relationship with my loved ones, my energy level and more. Then I decided NOT to have a "Master Plan". I decided to take it all a step at a time. I chose for baby steps. I chose for inspired and imperfect action. I chose to accept and love my results no matter how "good" they were. I chose to love and accept my results without comparing them with my expectations. I would look into results, just to plan my next move. I've been repeating the same recipe day in and day out. Consistency is improving. Inspiration is improving. Results are improving. Action is easier and more harmonic. When I decided to follow this method, I was terrified (but hopeful). You know, years ago I believed that the only way to success was a predetermined specific plan, married with a Spartan discipline. Everywhere in my life I had what I called "the Master Plan". Yes, this also included holidays. I had long lists of to-do's, that I faithfully followed, without any regard to my health, my relationships, fun, meaning, not even their efficiency. The point was to get it ALL done. That way I would see Rome in few days, I would see it all. Don't think about fun or a meaningful conversation with my travel mates. How did I reach this transformation???? Well, I could mention so many resources! But, hey, I want to save you time, effort and pain. Here you have "My Secret",
  • Set a date for a new beginning. That date could be today, right now, when you're reading this. It could be next New moon, astrologers say that to write your intentions then is a very good idea. You can choose your birthday. You can choose the 31st of December. You can choose a religious date that fits your believe system.
  • Decide to love and accept yourself no matter what. Decide that you are the most wonderful blessing you have. Decide that from this day on, you are the best YOU ever. Decide that from this day on criticism (specially self criticism) is over. Decide to abolish the word "should" from your life!
  • Set your intention. Write down what you want. Draw what you want. Sing what you want. Express is in whatever way you feel comfortable. Be specific. Mention numbers, colors, cities, flowers, gems...
  • Know that your intention is already achieved and that the method will be shown to you. Open your awareness for anything and anyone who will reveal more on the how. The how will be shown to you. Don't look for it. It will arrive (in an e-mail, on a billboard, in a song, in a phone call....)
  • Build your support network. Hang out with positive, upbeat and challenging individuals. Hang out with people who are building the future. Hand out with people who walk their talk. Hang out with successful, inspiring, caring, grateful, "positive adjective of your choice", " positive adjective of your choice", " positive adjective of your choice". They will hold the mirror for you. They will remind you of your greatness.
  • Take every day inspired and imperfect action. Every day before you check your email, identify the 3 critical actions that will take you closer to your intentions. Get them done before midday. Don´t think about it. Just do it! Do 3 today. Do 3 tomorrow. Do 3 everyday. You´ll be amazed!
  • Love and accept the results. No matter what you´ll get results. Some will be closer to your intentions. Some others will be quite far away. No matter how they are. Love them. Your results will guide you to perfect your next step. Accept them. Love them. Their `imperfection` will keep you building the future, in a more harmonious and blessed way.
  • Take every day inspired and imperfect action
  • Love and accept the results
  • Take every day inspired and imperfect action
  • Love and accept the results
  • Take every day inspired and imperfect action
  • Love and accept the results
  • Take every day inspired and imperfect action
  • Love and accept the results
  • Take every day inspired and imperfect action
  • Love and accept the results
  • Take every day inspired and imperfect action
  • Love and accept the results
  • Take every day inspired and imperfect action
  • Love and accept the results
  • Take every day inspired and imperfect action
  • Love and accept the results
What do you think? Have a comment or question?


abundance, habits, productivity, transcendence

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