Blanca Vergara
has spoken at and worked with executives from
If you had 10 times the courage, what is the BIGGEST change you would make in your life?
Heal Your Past?
Shut up your judgemental inner mother/father?
Kick out of your life that codependent man?
Give the kiss of death to the invisibility cloak?
Stop giving away your power to "business gurus" and find YOUR gold mine?
Wear those "100% you" shoes?
Be, do, have what you truly want?
NO! They are not different things!
They are all symptoms of the same thing: how you see you yourself.
Your identity as "less than". You are not alone.
We all women feel like that.
12,000 years of patriarchy has made us believe that there's something wrong with us and that to be worthy we must be like men.
We must remember who we really are.
We are the Divine Feminine incarnated.
When we remember who we really are, we emerge as powerful change agents.
Then we'll change everything:
our living-rooms, our wardrobe, our businesses, our relationships, ultimately the world!
You are the one
you were waiting for
This is not some ordinary lifetime to play small
You are here because you know the world could use a leader like you.
Under massive pressure, you have become a diamond.
Now it's time to own that worth,
so that you can step up into your true destiny.
The Wounds to Wings
is a sacred space to remember who you truly are
When you read the news you can burst in tears easily. Bankruptcies. Protests. Violence. Lies.
Yet, when you look within you know something very important: you choose to incarnate at this very historical moment for a reason.
You are called to step up and be bolder: write that book, change career, heal the past...
You know what is what you are called to do. That vision terrifies you. You're not ready.
You know that you cannot postpone this any longer. You know that what you do will create ripple effects, touching not only many generations of your family, but humanity at large.
You are who we were waiting for. We cannot do it for you, but you don't have to do it alone. In sisterhood you can heal those old wounds and grow powerful new wings. I present to you our Sanctuary.
Wounds to Wings
Your Portal to The Happiest, Most Impactful and Wealthiest Version of You
This mentorship experience is for senior female leaders.
In our call we'll help you know if you are in the right place.
12 months of Spiritual mentorship
support from Blanca
self activation steps
strategies to conquer triggers
spiritual embodiment practices
Unique Monthly Focus
Each month you'll receive a Unique Monthly Focus package. It's composed of a series supportive materials, all focused on one single specific intention per month. What is common is our constant integration of our shadow (our fears, anxieties, anger...) into higher forms of expression of our leadership. It includes,
It deserves special mention my monthly "sermon". This is a video I make for you on the monthly intention. Some say that I'm learning to channel. So I gather that what I say here is very powerful and timely.
What is included in the
Wounds to Wings
90-minute Hot SeAt group Q&A with Blanca every second week
Every two weeks we'll dive into the art of asking better and better questions. Even if you don't have a question a given week, other's questions bring you answers you didn't know you needed.
- Groups are capped at 8 participants plus Blanca
- 4 group members are in the "hot seat" per meeting: they will each have the floor for 20 minutes to present their issue and receive feedback and perspective from the group.
integration space
This program honors the feminine energy. On the weeks that we won't meet, you'll have the opportunity to integrate our work. It'll be your responsibility to give yourself the space of silence and reflection.
In these moments you'll find the gold in your soul!
3 level conversations
The Sanctuary attracts intelligent and compassionate women who are leveling up how they show up in this world in every area of their lives. These are the women you'll meet here. Yes, if we ever do small talk, very easily moves into deeper and meaningful places.
I assure you you'll make friends for life here!
instant access to our Sanctuary library
Dive into self healing resources:
- The complete Unleashed program: 8 week program that walks you through my ancestral trauma healing protocol
- The complete True Abundance program: 12 week program that facilitates your shadow work.
- Various powerful rituals, like Healing the Mother Wound Ritual, Shame release ritual, Confidence Cure and much more!
Buddy system
You will be matched with one or two fellow participants to share the journey. Previous participants love this! As they together challenge each other to go deeper in their commitments and dreams.
Can you imagine a friend like that!
Healing on demand
When I feel guided do so I shall heal one or all the participants. No matter if it's during or in between live sessions.
No matter if you are kilometers away, you'll see benefits that will surprise you.
Ongoing bonus Trainings and Resources
We'll create more as you need it. I love to create bonus trainings and resources on requested topics through your experience of this program.
Surprise and delight are core values!
Our Sanctuary Library
Get unstuck within minutes and fast forward to the life line you want to be living (instead of spinning your wheels)
When you join the Sanctuary you'll have immediate access to valuable trainings for your own growth. Such as,
- The complete Unleashed program: 8 week program that walks you through my ancestral trauma healing protocol
- The complete True Abundance program: 12 week program that facilitates your shadow work.
- Various short but powerful rituals, like Healing the Mother Wound Ritual, Shame release ritual, Confidence Cure and much more!
My gifts for you
Today has been the most powerful of all our live healing sessions - and they have all been powerful. I can literally feel my heart opening at this moment for this group. Thank you Blanca and to each and everyone of you for making this such a safe space where we can all be free to be honest and vulnerable.
Loving and fierce advocacy
Blanca has offered me genuinely exquisite support over the last several years. Through communities she's intentionally curated, and more recently in a one-to-one capacity. I call my work with Blanca my "Apprenticeship in Love", because she fiercely and truthfully advocates for my Soul's work in the world through my becoming a better version of me. She guides me in approaching life, mission and business with true wholeheartedness. She's not afraid of the messy stuff and I trust her deeply with my inner world. That's not something I say very easily. Thank you Blanca for seeing what is possible, holding the vision with me and for your powerful, safe, loving and fierce advocacy. I am deeply grateful.
Anne van der Giessen
executive Coach
She sees beyond
Blanca is very energetic and passionate to bring the best out of women.
She cares about your goal and listens carefully to what you need.
She sees beyond and makes you see the world of opportunities. She is very sincere and authentic.
Liza Rassei PhD MBA
innovation & business
Life changing!
The transformation in both my professional and personal life has been incredible since I started working with Blanca a year ago. She is wise, kind, funny, generous, and committed to helping women live truly authentic and joy-filled lives that honor our feminine superpowers.
Sydney Thomas
ceo retirement divas
She sees beyond
Blanca is very energetic and passionate to bring the best out of women.
She cares about your goal and listens carefully to what you need.
She sees beyond and makes you see the world of opportunities. She is very sincere and authentic.
Raluca Dobrescu
hr director
The coaching has also helped me to tap into my higher self and realize I can change my life path.
I feel the coaching has been transformational and really met my needs. It has helped in building a toolbox of changing my mindset that I can use in everyday life. I received a good balance of encouragement, honesty and being pushed to challenge myself. It has been a great learning experience. I really love the way Blanca conducts herself and lives very true to her values and her core. Having that presence in my life made a big difference.
Before the coaching, I was more willing to listen to others and less kind to understanding what my needs were. Thanks Blanca!
Sumaera Hasan
Positive Psychology Researcher
The value of this program is beyond its price
It's a safe space to express, new interesting lessons and great inner revelations. The best of this course is that you can manage it your way!
Beyond grateful!
Hizell Regalado
Demand Supply Planner
This course is for ambitious, high-achieving women who are on the brink of a breakthrough. They know they could (actually should) be playing much bigger.
Because of Blanca's experience in STEM corporate environments and as a coach/mentor, we understand and serve both business leaders and entrepreneurs exceptionally well.
Whether you think you are ready or not, you're right. Give yourself permission to be ready. You are!
I don't promise you quick fixes and bombastic quantum leaps. Look, I've been in darkest corners of life and I have found my way back to joy and power. I offer you all I know here + plus all I'm downloading from consciousness. How would that translate into your life? A previous participant got a promotion she never believed she could get. Another one change career from a soul killing one to a live giving one. Another one open her own business. Another one moved country. All of them are befriending their inner dragons and transforming them into personal power. Yet all of them express it differently.
The Wounds to Wings Sanctuary is offering an early bird special that allows you to get truly incredible perks at no extra cost in the months leading up to the official start date in September, including...
- A 1:1Kick off call with Blanca to help you find your way and help you decide what to prioritize.
- As soon as you start, you'll be able to access the resource library so you can start your inner work.
- We also have incredible bonuses workshops for those who join early.
Early bird bonus: Setting Boundaries as an Act of Self Love Workshop with Blanca (8 person limit)
Setting boundaries is the fundamental to start healing old patterns. In order to heal, rise and share our light and talent with the world, it's essential that we strengthen our ability to set healthy boundaries.
Breathe! You can join anytime. When you do, we send you the guidebook for the current month, plus access to our resource library.
You'll also receive a welcome package , which includes: a welcome video to orient you to the platform best ways to work with the meditations and rituals, a digital kit to set up your daily practices and an invitation to the Sanctuary online community.
The level of support and individual attention you'll receive is exceptional and the reason behind the numerous success stories.
You'll have bi-weekly group healing calls with Blanca. You will be matched with a fellow buddy to support you in your journey. AND last, but not least, you'll have the entire Sanctuary community, who will be there to support you in the darkest moment. This alone is worth joining for.
The Sanctuary is designed as a hug. It's here to expand your time. Schedule in your agenda Sanctuary time, like if it was a massage or a visit to the gym. I would set aside 30 minutes a week for reading + journaling, and at least 15 minutes a few times a week for meditation. There's no sequence or accountability system.
Every month, you'll receive inspiration assignments to support you (hug you) the whole month.
Absolutely, they will all be streamed live in our Facebook group. So you can catch up anytime afterwards.
If there's anything else we can answer for you, please ask us:
Wounds to Wings
Your Portal to The Happiest, Most Impactful and Wealthiest Version of You