Master the Art of Love and Career

More and more couples are composed of two highly educated partners with high potential. A dual career couple is one in which both partners pursue careers and at the same time maintain a family life together. Superficially it could be seen as a work life balance issue: so many hours of childcare, so many hours at the office, etc. However their challenge is more complex. It implies for both members of the couple to understand their own identity, desires, fears and culture. It also implies to embrace uncertainty and to expand their horizons to include the priorities of the other partner.

This workshop is designed for young professionals challenged by the impact that their dual career relationship brings them. This workshop is both for men and women of any marital status. It is relevant for married couples, for couples living together, for international couples, for parents and for couples without children.


Blanca has contributed to the range of services the Career&Counselling Services of the TU Delft offers her students and PhDs, not only with original content, but with almost limitless passion. She delivers her workshops and presentations from personal experience, having worked in the corporate field, being an international in the Netherlands, with a drive to educate, not only for a program, but for life. Her workshops are highly appreciated by our students and PhDs, and also for our team, meetings with her are very inspiring, testing our values and driving us to thinking new ways.

Caroline Scheepmaker , Head of Career & Counselling Services at TU Delft

I went to the "Dual Career Couple" workshop, not quite knowing what to expect. I left with a much clearer picture on communication, decision making and emotions, as well as a useful framework analyzing it further.

Max van der Zalm , Naval Architect, Delft, The Netherlands

Blanca is an excellent presenter. She's enthusiastic about everything, everything. She has good and bad experiences, which make the suggestion complete and with a solid background. She's extremely engaging. This workshop is extremely useful for young students, nowadays a lot of students travel. And naturally, they are or end up in couples. And they have to deal with it. Blanca did not give answers, but tools for tackling life and the decision making.

Enrico Liscio , Automation Engineer

A very enjoyable day, I did not feel it passing. Useful to see yourself from other points of view, but also to understand what your strength may be. I recommend it to anyone, not only highly educated people.

Chiara Merola , Delft, The Netherlands

Blanca truly is one of those light-bringing people who lead us to the new world we all dream of, inspiring and in the meantime giving us the courage to do the same !!

To experience the deep ageless spiritual wisdom of the Aztecs, being brought together in a warm, sparkling, inspiring, strong and also very successful businesswoman is a present I wish everyone who wants to live and work from his heart should grant him or herself. Blanca truly is one of those light-bringing people who lead us to the new world we all dream of, inspiring and in the meantime giving us the courage to do the same !!

Titia Hennemann , Illuminosa, Amsterdam

I am truly thankful to have come across Blanca, who has a wonderful way to pull things into clarity and guide you through your own process of understanding. Her session was insightful, warm, fun and touch the right note in a serious yet light way. I would recommend anyone who's looking for a creative way to open up and lighten up to contact Blanca, now, no, yesterday!

Mariana (Max) Besana , Maracuya, Utrecht, Netherlands

Blanca is an excellent presenter. She's enthusiastic about everything, I mean everything. She has good and bad experiences which make the suggestions complete and with a solid background. She's extremely engaging. This workshop is extremely useful for young students, nowadays a lot of students travel and naturally they are or end up in couples. And they have to deal with it. Blanca did not give answers, but tools for tackling the shared life and the decision making.

Dwisetya Safirna Widyaratih , Biomedial Engineer

Blanca is very engaging in her speech. all the different stories made me reconsider some priorities and personal attitudes. It's really about learning a lot in theory, but also with other people's experiences in a few hours, which makes it very efficient.

Felipe Fischmann , Water Resources Engineer, Delft, The Netherlands

Blanca is empathetic and motivating, willing to help parents in a sincere and open way. Her sessions are fun and full of positive messages, which make you see matters in a different way, stepping back and feeling better.

Ana Paulina Sánchez , HR, The Hague, The Netherlands

You and your story, the combinations, are incredibly inspiring and life changing. Thank you!

Janice Langeslag , Mechanical/Control Engineer, Delft, the Netherlands

She has the knowledge, the capacity and the communication skills to engage people and help them, giving them tools to navigate this complex and volatile world we live in. Professionals who are not willing to give up happiness because of career choices or simply people who want to become more aware of couple dynamics, communication dynamics and personal growth will most certainly benefit from her workshop. Really Recommended! [And she is also funny!]

Francesca Klack , Industrial Ecologist

The seminar by Blanca was a real eye opener and helped me understand the root of several problems in my relationships. It also gave me tools to analyze better conflicts scenarios and how to solve them. I totally recommend it.

Daniel Kuratomi , Biomedial Engineer

Me gustaría que Blanca diera más cursos, porque en realidad ayuda a esa parte de nuestra vida que necesita ser llenada, me refiero a la parte emocional. Todas las técnicas vistas en su taller son importantes para yudarnos a ser felices en nuestra vida diaria. No siempre podermos controlar el entorno, pero me gusta esa idea de surfear las olas. De ahora en adelante recordaré las técnicas y lo que los demás esperan de mí, y al mismo tiempo recordaré que no siempre tiene que importarne. Realmente disfruté el taller, vale completamente la pena.

Isis Zazueta , Ingeníero Civil, Holanda

I went to the workshop "Make the Dual Career Couple Thrive"given by Blanca Vergara, during last few months before graduating from MSc.

I learned a lot of things about managing my life and myself when I am alone or with a partner. Blanca covers a lot of topics and makes you think about the way you life and what makes you happy.

I think this workshop will be useful to those who are lost and do want to be found, to those who stand at the crossing of roads, not knowing where to go and what kind of decision to make.

Overall, I think this will be useful to everyone, since it makes you think and evaluate your life and decisions.

Elena Tonyuk , Maritime engineer, Delft, the Netherlands

Don’t let her pass by without catching it.

The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that LITTLE extra. That is Blanca , a woman with an extraordinary talent and aptitude to speak to others. It’s nothing enormous about her, just a little twist making a full modification. She’s not just another inspirational speaker and coach, it’s that extra that makes her reach into your heart giving you the strength to move the next mountain.

Blanca has a self-confident attitude that can be contagious. Don’t let her pass by without catching it.

Laverne Hunt , Speaker, Amsterdam

Blanca is a cheerful, but really professional person. She is truly interested in words spoken during the workshop and you can feel her true passion for her work. I enjoyed my time here, learned a log and would recommend it to everyone - in a relationship or not.

Kamila Waszkowiak , Engineer, Delft, The Netherlands

I had the pleasure of working with Blanca in November 2016. I invited her to speak at the Shell Outpost Fair and to give a half-day workshop for Shell employees and their partners on her ‘Dual Career Couple’ Program. The preparation of the events and cooperation with Blanca was really rewarding. She was very positive, motivated and open for feedback. I appreciated her warm, authentic and personal style. Thanks, Blanca, for your support and inspiration!

Kristina Walther , Career and Development Advisor at Shell Outpost, The Hague, The Netherlands

Blanca gave an insightful and inspiring workshop to my clients on “Making the Dual Career Couple thrive” She has an authentic and powerful way of connecting with her audience. She knows how to understand the pain points and offer practical insights and solutions. I would highly recommend Blanca for group workshops, mentoring sessions and speaking events.

Tamkara Adun , Career and Development Advisor, Shell