Make the Right Career choice

The overwhelming complexity has mad extremely challenging to make career decisions nowadays. Many professionals are challenged by the impossible search for the perfect career choice. Their background makes them search for perfection and control. They want to avoid mistakes as much as possible. Superficially it is clear that they are looking to meet success variables: financial rewards, opportunities to grow, good management, international exposure, etc.

However, looking deeper into their challenge, there are more subtle variables influencing their decision making. These variables are intimately related with their own identity: among others, their family, their country of origin and their culture. Their roots are at the basis of their behavior. Becoming aware of these factors will provide the clarity of mind and the courage to make a more authentic choice.

Please contact Blanca for more detail​led information.


What strikes me the most was her natural way of presentation. The women standing there is really Blanca. Blanca was not telling us about just another (role) model, theory or technique. No, her message is based on personal experience, common sense and life itself. It is coming from her inside, her hart. This makes is so strong. Because of that she really knows how to touch people and get people into action. She is different and she knows how to make a difference.

Harma Hingstman , Changing Realities

Thanks to Blanca, for I am now focusing on creating the realization of the heart-centered service society.

She has shown exception vision on teaching profitable and holistic values.

Bravo Blanca!

Edward Ybarra , Business Developer, Brussels, Belgium

It has been an absolute privilege to meet Blanca and learn from her knowledge and experiences. I can recommend Blanca for anyone who wants to reconnect to their dreams, pursue them and to be successful in that. She provides you with the tools how to be a better you. Because: dreaming is good, doing is better!

Rianne Duindam , Architect, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

It’s a pleasure to recommend Blanca Vergara. I know Blanca through the MBA course I followed at the Rotterdam Business School where she lectured at the time. Blanca took a genuine interest in my personal development and business goals; helped by her relentless enthusiasm and broad knowledge base, she managed to challenge, inspire and engage me to actually go after those goals. I am truly grateful to her for what we accomplished during those coaching sessions.

René Vieveen , Executive VicePresident, Votrax

Her work has brought to my life a profound transformation, a sense of action and well-being. Blanca has been a inspiring source of action, clarity, reflection and the opportunity to understand my purpose of being. I acknowledge that her work has brought to my life a profound transformation, a sense of action and well-being. If you are ready to start changing the rules in this modern economy game and discover your soul life purpose, give yourself an opportunity to be coached by Blanca

Oscar Perez , FNC, Mexico

Blanca has been extremely generous in sharing her experience and advice with me. With her help, enthusiasm and encouragements, she enabled me to define and validate a business project. I recently started a new business project and I continue to refer back to the tools, techniques and ideas she shared with me. She's a wonderfully positive person and I am so glad I was able to benefit from her wisdom and experience. She is truly inspirational!

Mary Lumley , BornToBeSocial, France

Blanca is not just innovative and brilliant, she really cares about helping your business grow.

Blanca is not just innovative and brilliant, she really cares about helping your business grow. I enjoyed working with her in the Change Agent series. That experience helped me fine tune the focus of my business which is helping people while creating a profit for myself.

I highly recommend working with Blanca if you have the chance.

Leah Oviedo , Writer, San Diego

Blanca has contributed to the range of services the Career&Counselling Services of the TU Delft offers her students and PhDs, not only with original content, but with almost limitless passion. She delivers her workshops and presentations from personal experience, having worked in the corporate field, being an international in the Netherlands, with a drive to educate, not only for a program, but for life. Her workshops are highly appreciated by our students and PhDs, and also for our team, meetings with her are very inspiring, testing our values and driving us to thinking new ways.

Caroline Scheepmaker , Head of Career & Counselling Services at TU Delft

If anyone can coach people to do this (build the heart centered economy) she can.

I was drawn to Blanca's warmth and enthusiasm the first time I met her. She really does have the energy to make a difference in the world. Her ideal is a heart-centred economy - every leader loving what they do and having respect for their staff.

If anyone can coach people to do this she can. She has the right mix of out-of-the-box ideas and encouragement.

Faye Cosar , Independent Consultant, Amsterdam

You and your story, the combinations, are incredibly inspiring and life changing. Thank you!

Janice Langeslag , Mechanical/Control Engineer, Delft, the Netherlands

Blanca gave an exceptional training at TU Delft to help students on their career decisions. It was an exceptional training day that enlightened me on what matters in my life, which was fundamental on my choice. I fully recommend her work for people that, like me, need inspiration for the future and guidance on their choices. Blanca is an inspiring talker, her life experience is a lesson by itself. I can only thank I had had the opportunity to have this training.

Eduardo Olimpo , Physicist, Delft, the Netherlands

Blanca worked with me for almost an year, during my MBA at RSM Erasmus University. She helped me to find clarity and balance in my personal and professional life, to better understand myself and have the courage to follow my dreams. If your company needs to increase productivity or if you are just looking to achieve peace of mind or rediscover inner potential, turn to Blanca for advice! She has tremendous passion, energy and insight and it's going to be a pleasure to work with her!

Diana Spiridon , Distribution Strategy Director CEEMEA Discovery Networks International, London, UK

Blanca truly is one of those light-bringing people who lead us to the new world we all dream of, inspiring and in the meantime giving us the courage to do the same !!

To experience the deep ageless spiritual wisdom of the Aztecs, being brought together in a warm, sparkling, inspiring, strong and also very successful businesswoman is a present I wish everyone who wants to live and work from his heart should grant him or herself. Blanca truly is one of those light-bringing people who lead us to the new world we all dream of, inspiring and in the meantime giving us the courage to do the same !!

Titia Hennemann , Illuminosa, Amsterdam

Life changing!

In life, you meet many people but only very few have the power to change your life.

Blanca has this power, and this is maybe because she does what she likes to do in life, and she does it very well. Only in one hour, I saw her touching the heart of more than one person, all with different backgrounds, nationalities, and ages.

Whether you work for a company or have your own business, there is a lot you can learn from Blanca.

She is such an inspirational and intelligent woman, that I consider myself lucky that she crossed into my life.

Carina Bravo Plancarte , Recruitment manager, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

f you are an entrepreneur looking for a breakthrough in your success... or if you are an employee wondering what your future holds... this program is for you!

Blanca Vergara presented a webinar for The Ultimate Life Company. Her presentation was powerful and, I believe, life-altering. She is fun and related well with our members. If you are an entrepreneur looking for a breakthrough in your success... or if you are an employee wondering what your future holds... this program is for you!

As a speaker, she is easy to work with - she sent all of the materials we needed in a timely fashion. During her program, she complimented our company and incorporated our company mission into her presentation.

I look forward to having her speak for The Ultimate Life Company again.

Linda Baumgarten , Ulimate Life Company, New York

Clarity; inspiration and tools to jump start their career or business! The coaching sessions I received from Blanca to sort out my company’s vision and handle obstacles were the key to get me back on track. Her openness, sharp insight and variety of techniques left me with a new focus and energy to create my own future. I recommend Blanca to anyone who seeks clarity; inspiration and tools to jump start their career or business!

Marianne Korten , Soul At Work, Australia

Blanca is exciting and challenging. She gets to the core of the issue and offers insight, options, and priorities. She is generous with her expertise and knowledge to help people move forward in integrity and productivity. I highly recommend her to anyone anywhere running a business.

Alycia de Kraa , Instigation, Brussels/Amsterdam

I had a great session with Blanca, where she coached me l to a deeper understanding and insight of the issue I am dealing with. This all within a short time. This insight will help me change my business to a more successful one.

Nick Heising , New Life Development, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

I was on a turning point in my life and was planning on taking a few months our to figure out for myself. I knew immediately that I wasn't going to do this by myself; I needed someone to help me with this / guide me through it. I googled coach and found someone thoroughly qualified. During our first session I felt horrible. This wasn't someone doing it with me. I had the feeling I was constantly being interrogated and no answer could ever be good. She questioned everything I said/thought/felt, leaving me doubting everything event more.

The search started all over again and then I came across Blanca's website. I signed up for one of her webinars and I knew it: she's the one for me. A lot of energy and just saying things the way they are got me hooked. I'll never forget what she said early on: "I'm not a coach. I don't have the patience to endlessly ask a lot of questions..." Great! Because I didn't need endless question asking. I wanted someone who knew the drill and could help free my greatness. And that is precisely what happened.

It's very uplifting, refreshing, eye and soul opening, to say the least, when working with Blanca. She, like nobody else I know, has the ability to make you feel and believe that you are worthy of being the you that you are anxious of showing.

Nancy Hart , Doula, Amsterdam

She can help us to find our passion and to use it to make profit and make our life rich, light, full of energy, vitality, dynamism, humor and to take action !

Blanca is such a heart centered woman; so she can help us to find our passion and to use it to make profit and make our life rich, light, full of energy, vitality, dynamism, humor and to take action !

Thanks Blanca to boost me to go to London and for your support.

Micheline Tanguy , Stylist, Paris/London

Don’t let her pass by without catching it.

The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that LITTLE extra. That is Blanca , a woman with an extraordinary talent and aptitude to speak to others. It’s nothing enormous about her, just a little twist making a full modification. She’s not just another inspirational speaker and coach, it’s that extra that makes her reach into your heart giving you the strength to move the next mountain.

Blanca has a self-confident attitude that can be contagious. Don’t let her pass by without catching it.

Laverne Hunt , Speaker, Amsterdam

Blanca is an inspiration in how she has made the radical shift from a successful, yet deeply unsatisfying conventional career to pursue her passion. And who could be better coach to support others through their own radical transitions, than someone who has been there herself and knows intimately the doubts, fears and challenges - as well as the joy of making the dream a reality.

Lucy Watson , COO, Cyoda, London UK

In a very short time it was clear to me which direction I had to go with my business.

I've had a great experience working with Blanca. She coached me in a very pleasant way and gave me inside in my own wishes and passion by asking me important questions. In a very short time it was clear to me which direction I had to go with my business.

I would recommend Blanca if you need someone to help find the direction YOU want to go!

Annegien van den Ende , Filmmaker, Amsterdam

I luckily met Blanca in a workshop organized at the university. She was super energetic and super positive. I am really impressed and inspired by her stories and her perspective of life. I would definitely recommend young professionals to get in touch with Blanca and get enlighten. It will be a unique experience in which they can discover the desires and passion they carry that they were not aware of before. Dear Blanca, thank you for this wonderful workshop once again and please keep touching our lives with your awesome passion about life.

Duygu Kaynak , Industrial engineer, Delft, the Netherlands

Blanca is so good you should say it twice. Your slightly American tone is a refreshing oasis in this sometimes dry ''Doe normal" desert. I work intuitively and very intensively, often feeling like I'm bull dozing over people with my enthusiasm and creative insights ... so it was such a relief to meet eye to eye with someone riding the wave with me. Respect. Our relatively short consultation had big implications. Immediately layers effortlessly dropped away ... this onion was peeled. I felt an immediate trust and allowed Blanca to witness my heart felt fears and wishes. During our contact, there was such an immediacy that the "now" was made tactile, to the point that I experienced an energetic reality shift. BLANCA WAS THE GOOD WITCH THAT HELD UP THE MIRROR AND SAID "HERE IS YOUR ROLE MODEL". I'm sure she has connections to the star ship enterprise.

May The Force Be With You Blanca and all the women warriors.

Love from Sarah Kate Gardiner

Sarah Kate Gardiner , Author of The Soul Surival Kit & maker of movements, moments & ordinary miracles.

You literally inspired me and tapped something inside me. Your workshop was enriching for the heart, the mind and the body. Your energy is radiating and I lived the positive vibe. I salute you for the courage and confidence to dream of a better you and contribute to a better world and I can only be inspired to reflect at myself and aim for a better me!

Farah Abi Morshed , Corporate Banker, Amsterdam

Blanca is listening for the gold. Through all the dirt she can see the gold in a person.

Blanca comes from possibility. You can feel that she's been where you've been and break through it. With only her being she inspires me to be big, proud and go for it. You can feel that she's mastered what she is saying.

Blanca believes in herself and therefore believes in you and your possibilities.
Blanca gives concrete steps that sound logical, but ones that you never thought before because you are too close and attached to your own company.

The Power Session with Blanca is a refreshing experience that helps me as an artist to take myself seriously and go for it!

Nina Beem , Chorographer, Amsterdam

I recently had a workshop with Blanca. There had been some turbulence in the team. She did not eschew addressing the elephant in the room, asked the right questions, addressing what had happened but even more importantly, how to proceed from here. She managed to turn it around into something positive.
And this really is the core of her approach. Don't start from a problem that needs to be fixed, but start from what binds you together and make that even stronger. A very powerful approach.

Eva Smets , Regional Market Access and Medical Affairs Manager Company Name, Roche Diagnostics

The course with you inspired me to "go get" my own life, so to speak. Now I am so much more focused on how to live the life I desire for myself and how to support others. Brazil has given me the opportunity to live close to the ocean and the nature I love. I'm building a business (Inglês em Poucas Horas) and my first home for a client. I guess Architecture will always be part of my offer to the world. I'm also working with the community in my village, in the Northeast of Brazil, to develop a more sustainable (human)environment. I have grown tremendously the last couple of years, and this fantastic process started with your course in Amsterdam.
Thanks so very much!

Juliette van der Meijden , Architect, Brazil