September 7

Get the most out of your day – The Center Hour

How to get the most of your day? What are highly effective people doing differently? How can you improve your productivity?

I’ve been studying for decades the habits of highly effective people. I’ve experienced different periods of my life of high performance. None of them compare to today’s challenges. Juggling motherhood and entrepreneurship is by far the most confronting challenge. Inspired by the believe that “I do have time” and the contrast from many fellow mom-preneurs who feel overwhelmed, I have decided to create a series of videos on how to get the most of your day.

Here you have the first one: The Center Hour.

The Center Hour is a very old concept, not a secret at all. However it’s not practiced by many. This is to dedicate the first hour of each and everyday of your life to get back to center. During this hour you remember what is your life all about, why are you here, who you are AND from that you spring into action.

My favorite way to design this hour is as follows,

1. Gratitude
2. Exercise
3. Visualization
4. Planning

Like this post? Please do share it with your loved ones. We need more people bouncing back to the life they deserve.

Thanks in advance for reading, watching and letting your voice be heard in the comments.









#highperformance, #rituals, habits, productivity

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  1. Dear Blanca, I love the comparison you make with a hurricane, where all is turning around you in a frenzy, but at the center, everything is peaceful and quiet. It’s so illuminating! I already knew what the center hour was, but it did not put it into practice enough. Thank you for this wonderful video, reminding me how important the center hour is. Keep up the good work you’re doing!

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